Monthly Archives: March 2012


Since the month-long bootcamp I bought on Living Social has a waitlist until mid-April, I’m going to try this at home today (Friday).  It’s Fitness, Baby.

Also, can I just say that it’s kind of BS that this bootcamp is booked until then? Being a fitness professional myself, I know that the companies I’ve worked for have always honored people’s deals and we’ve tried to get people in as soon as we could.  We also didn’t let people book months in advance so that we didn’t have waitlists like  this.  Just a little frustrated, especially since I may be going home to MI for a few weeks and after that may be living in a different apartment that isn’t convenient to the bootcamp location at all, which is why I bought it in the first place.

OK, stopping my white-girl whine to go sweat.  Have a fab weekend!

Get Back

Remember how I said you should take a look back at my archives and see how this blog started? After doing just that myself, I changed my mind.  [Note to self: I thought you learned that whole ‘think before you speak’ thing? No?]

I used to use emoticons. And I loved parentheses even more than I do now. It’s not pretty, so maybe…just don’t.  I’m not going to take those posts down or delete them, because it’s important to see where I’m coming from, but taking a peek at them was…painful.  And while looking back at the person I used to be is interesting, I’m glad I’m not there anymore — in my writing and who I am as a person — despite everything I learned.  Like that using winky faces isn’t really putting my English degree to use and that if I talk about my goals too much they seem to lose a little value.

Onward and upward, as they say.



Baby Got BACK

Just kidding. Kind of.

But can we talk about how it’s been over TWO YEARS since I posted on this blog? And how I abandoned it over on Blogger to start up Body FM, my fitness blog?  And how I thought I wanted to really focus on health and less on my personal life or the ridiculous circus happening in this head of mine?

All those things are true, but I’m kind of feeling like… like… I need an outlet.  And one that’s not fitness related. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a trainer, and I still love all things health, and I’m not sure I should ever tell anyone everything that goes on in my brain, but I just kind of want to chat, you know? Like I would with my girlfriends or family members or the random people that talk to me in Starbucks — not like I would with my clients (although for the record, I LOVE my clients).  I wanted a place to just WRITE — for me and for any brave soul who wants to read.  I call myself a writer, but I’ve been so uninspired lately, thinking I could ONLY write about health, that I haven’t done the title much justice.  So… writing. That’s what I’m doing with The Verbal Filter here (the name’s rather deceiving since I don’t actually have much of one). I’m going to talk. And you’ll know it’s me, because there will be lots of tangents and parenthetical phrases and lengthy sentences. Get excited.

Honestly, I know this is going to be a weird jump (hey 22, how have you been?), but if you are just dying to know what has happened in the last 2.5 years of my life, look here or here (MAN, I have really gotten around the Internet). They both tell the story (or lack thereof) in very different ways, sooo, actually, you might just want to skip that. I don’t know.

And finally, the last order of business on this second inaugural (is that a thing?) Sunday night on The Verbal Filter is post titles.  Anyone who has ever read this blog in the past or braves venturing into the archives might notice that I’ve tried to make every title either a song title or lyric (uh, see above).  While I like the idea in theory, because music is such a huge part of who I am, I might abandon the practice, as some past titles were a bit of a stretch. I’m bad at titles as is (I will write a novel one day and never publish it because I won’t know what to name it), so I worry that might make them even worse. I welcome any and all thoughts on this.  And really anything else you want to talk about.

OK, so we’re off! Let’s get ready to ramble!