Category Archives: money


So I realized I never really went into how I turned my entire career upside down and went into personal training. I don’t even really know if I mentioned I was going to do it (might have mentioned it here). I just stopped posting and then I came back and was like, “Blah, blah, quit my job, yadda yadda, and at the gym… .” So here’s the story…
I had been working with a trainer at my gym downtown, and I kept complaining about how tired I always was and how much I hated my job (my soul felt it was being sucked out by the industrial strength vacuums my company sold). Slowly that turned into me asking my trainer about his certifications and how everyone at the gym had gotten into training. Finally, he just said, “Why don’t you just get certified?” and it just all became so clear. He suggested that I go through ISSA, which turned out to be genius, because it’s accredited by the US Department of Education, meaning that my nice office job would pay for it since it counted as continuing education!
Anyway, I planned to get certified, save up a little more money, and then transition into the new job. Well, only problem was that I hated my job SO much that it was affecting the rest of my life. I was so apathetic that I had no motivation to do anything. Except study, that is. Because I knew that the sooner I could get certified, the sooner I could get OUT of a job I knew in my heart was all wrong for me. So I studied nonstop for two months — on the train, after work, all weekend long. I was just finishing the program when I decided that the day had come to put in my two-weeks notice. So I did, and on my last day of work, I found out I had passed my exam and had become a certified personal trainer. Whew.
Then I took a month off to just enjoy a Chicago summer. I read, I wrote, I tanned (yeah, yeah, I KNOW), I slept. I loved it, but I was ready to get back to work because I was getting restless (my Dad has told me before that he always thought I had ADHD), and, oh right, I was running out of moo-lah. So I decided I needed to start applying to gyms, but I already knew where I wanted to work. I interviewed at a few places, but I had always intended to work at the gym where I had originally trained as a client. I walked in and asked for the fitness director, and as soon as he saw me, he said, “Well, look who it is!” He had me fill out and application and set up a practical interview on the spot. I knew I was going to like this job!
Fast forward to two months later, and I’m slowly building up a client base and loving this job so much more than anything I’ve ever done. The days are long, and right now the pay is crappy, but I have so much more energy, and I’m so much more positive than I’ve been in quite some time. It was a change to go from working in a sedate office environment with mostly females to a loud gym with almost all dudes who say plenty of things that the feminist in me says I should be reporting to HR. (Kidding. Sort of.) But I really love everything about it. Work doesn’t always feel like work, and exercising and talking to people are part of my job description. And I adore my coworkers, because in this job, it’s not weird to be friends with the people you see most of the day. OH, and did I mention I get to wear sweats and spandex and running shoes all day? Plus, believe it or not, I actually feel like I’m using my degree more than I did before. I’ve always wanted to use my English and Women’s Studies majors to do something with women’s health/fitness, focusing especially on body image. This job is like the perfect case study for that! And I get to help people get healthy and feel better about themselves. And liking my job this much has motivated me even more to work on the other half of my dream — writing. So, as I mentioned before, everything in my life might not be perfect right now, but I feel like I’m finally on the right track.
Big or small, what’s something you’ve changed in your life lately?

Happy Now?

Despite the fact that I have next to zero money. Despite the fact that I just experienced the first mini-heartbreak of my adult life. Despite the fact that Michigan football sucks this year. Despite the fact that I’m at work more than I’m at home. Despite the fact that I am still not a size 4 again like I was senior year. Despite the fact that Chicago has officially gone into winter mode. Despite the fact that I’ve got a million works in progress, but not one actual published piece of writing. Despite the fact that I don’t have everything figured out just yet.

Despite all of this, I am happy. I am more OK with the way my life is going than I have been in a long time. My head is a bit clearer, and I know where I want to go. Part of the fun of the next few years is going to be figuring out how I’ll get there. I’m more ready for this challenge than I have been in quite some time. I’m not going to come right out and say that everything is going to be great this time around, because I’ve done that before, and I’ve been wrong. But I do feel that something is different this time. I took a risk by quitting my nice, safe office job to start over as a trainer and a writer, and it’s scary, but that fear has helped me discover that I’m stronger than I ever thought I was. I started dating again, and for the first time I got tiny little cracks both in my heart and in my pride, but I learned that I still have enough glue to patch myself back up and survive. I’m enjoying life more than I have in a few years, despite the insecurity and the uncertainty, because I’ve realized that I’m making conscious choices to change the direction in which I’m headed.

I’ve made the mistake in the past of assuming that because one thing improves in my life that the whole of it will. But not this time. This time, I realize that I have to decide to be happy. That even though I am still going to have days where I don’t want to get out of bed, that even though I will still feel sometimes that nothing is going my way, I will always have the choice to look on the bright side. That I can turn it all around just by willing myself to be the optimist I was born to be.

So that’s it. I’m going to be happy.

(Watch your back, Tony Robbins. I’m gunning for your job.)

What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?

Does anyone else loooove Harry Connick Jr. and that song? Man, oh man, I do. That’s probably the song that led me to believe that NYE was this major event. So yeah, Harry is to blame for my unrealistically high expectations of this one night.
OK, sorry! That sounded so negative, but it wasn’t meant to because I am actually super pumped for NYE 2008. And I’ve actually never had a really horrible one or anything. Although last year I made out with a random at midnight who I then could not get rid of until April. Oops. But it was fun at the time!
Anyway, this year we’re going to a fancy all-inclusive (still deciding if that is dangerous or not) party at the famous Drake hotel. It’s a lot of friends from UMich and some from Michigan State (booo, but we like them anyway), and even if they get boring (that makes me sound terrible!), NYE is always a good night to strike up conversations with strangers. Hmm, that sounded strange, but anyway, for some reason, some holidays make it easier to meet new people. Like Halloween, St. Patty’s, New Year’s… wait those usually are celebrated in bars and all involve above-average amounts of alcohol. Maybe that’s why.
I‘m not sure if I’m going to look for a NYE kiss this year. Maybe I should just be happy being single and get excited about a new year in which I accomplish a lot of my goals. Not resolutions though …I feel like that word just sets you up for failure. The only thing that sucks is that most — if not all — of my friends are dating someone this year so I’m odd woman out. However, that does make me the only one allowed to flirt with randoms… maybe there are some benefits!
OK, yeah, sorry, all I have been doing is talking about making out with people on NYE. I did have a real fresh-start, new-year point to make. I’ve decided to create a list of goals for myself for 2009. I find the more I write them out, the more excited I get about them, and I’m more likely to go for them. The overarching theme of 2009 is living up to my insane amount of potential. I know — I can be so humble sometimes. But this is one my roommate and I are going to work on together we decided. It’s hard to explain, but we’ve come to the conclusion that we’ve been overachievers our entire lives and now is not the time to stop. This year will hopefully be a year of accomplishing big things. So, my specific goals for 2009 are:
  • Write my book! I can’t really tell you what it’s about just yet because I’m still a little iffy if the topic I want to write about is acceptable. Hard to explain, maybe I will later, but I can tell you that it will be humorous nonfiction. My life with all of its awkwardness and zany family members should provide enough for at least one book. Or ten.
  • Get myself back in fighting shape. I think going from college life to real world where I sit on my ass all day was a really hard transition. But I am bound and determined not to let that stop me! I already started with the personal trainer, and I’ve decided that by the time I turn 24 (what?!?) in June I am going to be in the shape of my life. There’s no reason I can’t be. I’m going to get myself back in a super regular routine (I never stopped working out, it just wasn’t as intense or structured as before) and get a handle on my issues with food (long story!) so that I can be the healthiest and happiest I can be!
  • I guess this is another part of being healthy in 2009. I want to get myself back to where I normally am mentally (sorry, I am being SO vague about the new year!) and take care of myself in every way. This includes getting enough sleep, saying no to things when I am stressed, and maybe cutting back on the drinking (I’m not an alcoholic, but I know I don’t need to drink when I go out). I need to respect myself a bit more and trust my own decisions as I always did in the past. No more justifying the things I do because this is my life and my life only.
  • Save some green. I’m pretty good about sticking to a budget, but I want to save a bit more moo-lah this year. I want to save up for a few rewards as I’m getting back in shape (new bag, True Religion jeans I have lusted after for over a year, etc), and I do want to visit a friend who just moved, but more than anything, I want to secure my future. I know I’m young, but it’s important to start early, so I’m going to save more than what is already going into my IRA every month.
  • Date. I’m not looking for The One just yet, but I need to put myself out there a little more. So I’m going to. Simple as that.
  • Be able to say that I am proud of who I am as a person. I want to make Sunday mass a regular thing again (I’m a terrible Catholic girl right now!), I want to find a worthy cause to volunteer for, and I want to start looking outside myself more (I will admit that I can be a tad bit selfish at times) so that I can be a better friend, sister, daughter, and person in general.

Woo, that was a long list! What are everyone else’s major goals for 2009? And for fun, what are everyone’s big plans for tonight?